Welcome to the Society of Epicurus Substack Blog!
I slowly became Epicurean sometime in 2012 and, founded the Society of Friends of Epicurus (societyofepicurus.com) back in 2013. I write at least one monthly essay for the SoFE webpage, and help (with Marcus and Alan) to facilitate monthly educational virtual gatherings known as Eikas. Ancient Epicureans used to celebrate a memorial feast in honor of the founders Epicurus and Metrodorus on the 20th of every month, and today we do a virtual version of it. In order to receive an invitation for our Eikas program, you may subscribe to our FB group Garden of Epicurus.
Our lineage of philosophy was founded by Epicurus, Metrodorus, Hermarchus and their friends during the Hellenistic Era in ancient Greece, who gathered in a private school known as the Garden (ho Kepos). It is based on the study of nature, aligns with science, emphasizes the practice of friendship, and incorporates a pleasure ethics that makes it feel like a complete and pragmatic worldview. I have decided to propagate Epicurean philosophy because it represents my highest hopes for future generations in the post-Christian world, and because it slowly became the practical, useful philosophy of life that made sense to me once I rejected all supernatural claims.
At Society of Epicurus, we have a self-guided study curriculum, study guides for Kyriai Doxai (the 40 Principal Doctrines of Epicurus), De rerum natura (a 1st-Century BCE epic poem by Lucretius), and many more educational resources to help sincere students of philosophy become expert Epicureans, celebrate Eikas, and practice philosophical friendship together.
I will be posting monthly blogs and literary updates here, which I usually schedule for the Eikas / Twentieth of every month. Please subscribe to this blog, or to my Patreon, to receive Epicurean literary updates and educational content.